Today has been all about the anticipation of seeing A Single Man. Ever since I saw the first trailer for this film, I have been dying to see it. I don't know why, I guess it seemed to promise the possibility of those rare moments where you actually connect to something on screen...something that lingers for days after the credits finish rolling. Without sounding like a film critic, I will just say Tom Ford did an amazing job taking you into George's world of loneliness, despire, and helplessness. I haven't really lost anyone close to me, but it is something I think about once a while. Watching Colin Firth brought me to that place. I know this all sounds very unappealing, and perhaps not a great selling tool. I guess I am just never one to turn away from a film of a "depressing" nature, I always find films that mirror our reality much easier to enjoy than...let's say...talking dogs. So, take an afternoon off of Christmas shopping, and go see this breathtaking piece of work. It will make you want to fall in love or just simply kiss your lover a little longer.